%%columns \\ \\ [{TableOfContents }] ---- ||Name||Rainbow Road ||Author|Southport ||Version|2.1 ||Last\\Updated|2022-08-27 ||Download|[Mega|https://mega.nz/file/erBAybpA#W-LMgD3PpxE1-eXCV7Dgoajt27u76obIBWH9upPpyCM] /% !!!Overview ---- A port of GBA Rainbow Road made by Southport.\\ NOTE: Scale of course differs between the current version and the version shown in the video below.\\ !!!Media ---- \\ [{Video url='https://youtu.be/ZWQrA36s2sA}]\\ \\ !!!Custom Tracks Distributions ---- This content is part of the following Custom Track Distributions and ROMHacks: *none \\ !!!Usage ---- This content can only be featured on distributions if the track's author gives permission to do so, or if the author submits it to said distribution. !!!Version History ---- |__Version__|__Date of release__|__Information__ |2.1|2022-08-27|Public release \\ \\ [{InsertPage page='User-southport-Link'}]