[{InsertPage page='info.wip'}]

[{TableOfContents }]

!!!Linking your User Link page
In order to create this kind of page you first have to go to [this page|https://wiki.dshack.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Author%20Reference] once we're there we have to click on the edit button
[{Image src='1.png'}]

Once you are on the edit page, scroll down until your username fits in the alphabetical ordered list. After that add these two lines where your username would go
[{InsertPage page='User-XXX-Link'}]
replace the XXX with your user name and save the page. if you did this correctly this will show up where you made the edit. After that you have to click on the newly created link.
[{Image src='2.png' width='..' height='..' align='left|center|right' style='..' class='..' }]