!!!How To Create Local Maps
Local maps are the detailed maps you see on the bottom screen, featuring a top view of the track. These are the ones that contain the most info, such as item boxes, obstacles and items. Making these is super simple, so let’s get on it!\\
''Shoutouts to Xgone for teaching me how to make these!''\\
__For this tutorial you will need:__\\
- [Mario Kart Toolbox]\\
- [Every File Explorer|https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398883899582840832/398888802812428290/EFE_kcl_round.7z] (not needed if you have your ROM files as a project)\\
- [Nitro Paint]\\
- Your preferred photo editing program\\

!!!Step 1: Making your image
First off, we’ll need a big picture showing the entire track from an overhead view. You can either utilize MKTB’s 2D view or a top view of the model in Blender, but for this tutorial I will use the former. You can use Blender’s view if MKTB’s view skips anything you may want featured on the map. You can use any tool that can take a screenshot, but I suggest Windows’ included Snipping Tool, as you can take the picture however you want.\\
Next, open your favorite editing or image tool, and make a new image with a size of 512x512. Here, if possible, paste your image within this space, and adjust it until you feel it looks right. Alternatively, import the picture, and crop it to 512x512, making sure the track is at the center of course.\\
[{Image src='https://i.imgur.com/ExZBCt7.png'}]
Here’s what mine looks like, all cropped.\\
Once you’re done, save the picture somewhere accessible

!!!Step 2: Making the local map and adding it to the files
For this part you’ll need Nitro Paint and Every File Explorer/Mario Kart Toolbox.\\
Open up Nitro Paint, and click on ''File > New > New BG''. Look for your image and select it, then click on generate. Let the program do it’s thing. If all went well, you should see your image and other two windows in the program. Finally click on ''File > Save All'' and name the three files however you want. At the end you will see three files with these extensions .nclr, .ncgr and .nscr where you specified.\\
[{Image src='3.png'}]
Next, open your ROM with Every File Explorer, or go to your project files if you extracted your ROM as a project in MKTB, (If you haven’t done the latter, I highly suggest doing so) and to go the _tex folder/CARC of the course you want the local map for. Inside it, go to the Map2D folder, and look for the local.nclr, local.ncgr and local2.nscr files. Replace these files with your own. If you notice a __local3.nscr__ file, delete it, as you will not be needing it.

!!!Step 4: Adjusting your local map
Open MKTB, and go to the course you made the map for. Enable 2D view, and click on the Show Map icon. If you did it all correctly, you should see your local map; however, it will not be positioned correctly. Feel free to mess around the positioning until you get it right. Use the Show Transparent Map option to help you with this.\\
[{Image src='https://i.imgur.com/yOnoNpr.png'}]
Once you’re finished, save, and test it in game! If all went well, you should see your map perfectly! I hope this tutorial was useful. Now, have fun and go make some fantastic maps!\\
''Tutorial by AltairYoshi''