!!!How to make a course preview picture This tutorial will guide you through the process of generating and extracting your course preview icon. !!!Making your image Your course picture must have a size of 70x88 pixels. Here is an example of a course picture.\\ \\ [{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/860283934910316574/picture.png'}] !!!Generating your course picture using MKTB Open the track that corresponds the image you just created on mktb and click on the gear icon.\\ [{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/860284950838247424/unknown.png'}] \\ Click on the "Course Picture" tab\\ \\ [{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/860285240118214656/unknown.png'}] \\ Click on generate\\ \\ [{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/860285639152107540/unknown.png'}] \\ Open the image you made earlier\\ \\ [{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/860286915676471307/unknown.png'}] \\ Your course picture should be generated now\\ \\ [{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/860287510264152065/unknown.png'}] !!!Extracting your course pictures This procedure isn't required but you'll need it if you want to submit your track to CTGP-Nitro\\ \\ Open your project folder on windows explorer\\ \\ [{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/860288056379703297/unknown.png'}] \\ Browse to the following route: data\data\CupPicture\\ \\ [{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/860290532659953664/unknown.png'}] \\ \\ \\ You'll need to copy and paste three files with a similar name:\\ Select_cup_XXXXXYY_m_b.NCGR\\ Select_cup_XXXXXYY_m_b.NCLR\\ Select_cup_XXXXXYY_m_picture.NSCR\\ \\ Being XXXXX either nitro or retro and YY the course id in the order that appears in the course select screen. for example the files for figure 8 circuit would be:\\ Select_cup_nitro01_m_b.NCGR\\ Select_cup_nitro01_m_b.NCLR\\ Select_cup_nitro01_m_picture.NSCR\\ \\ For GCN LC would be:\\ Select_cup_retro04_m_b.NCGR\\ Select_cup_retro04_m_b.NCLR\\ Select_cup_retro04_m_picture.NSCR\\ \\ and so on.\\ \\ Once you located your files copy and paste them on the folder where you'll put your course files.\\ \\ \\ Tutorial made by rocoloco321 on 07/01/21