

Meet the "LIFT-&-RUSH", the newest addition to the kart roster! A low-poly recreation of "プチランナー5" TOYOTA's line of forklifts. While isn't used for working and heavy lifting, is used as a racing vehicle!

This Custom Kart replaces the "Dragonfly" kart of Wario (kart_WR_c, kart_id: 11).


yet to be added...

!!!Custom Tracks Distributions
This content is part of the following Custom Track Distributions and ROMHacks:
*NijiKart v3.0beta


This Content can be used on distributions as long as the author is credited. You are allowed to change the main color of the "kart_WR_c.nsbtx" file for the color of your preference, as well the kart_tires texture for the one you want.

!!!Version History
|__Version__|__Date of release__|__Information__
|1.0|2024-08-04|First release

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