[{TableOfContents }]

||Name|| Mini Mario
||Author| JGG


This is a remake of an old mod made by JGG, Mini Mario replaces Mario

[{Image src='https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/834514833625186325/1215464219244499054/image.png?ex=65fcd844&is=65ea6344&hm=fd929b4a244c834814166cb1fe308842ff0489ec34c6b0079ccd207d28bafbac&' width='417' height='310' align='left' style='..' class='..' }]\\
[{Video url='https://youtu.be/70DLnFy7NRM' width=560 height=315}]\\

!!!Custom Tracks Distributions
This track is part of the following Custom Track Distributions and ROMHacks:
This Content can only be featured on distributions if the track's author gives permission to do so, or if the author submits it to said distribution.

!!!Version History
|__Version__|__Date of release__|__Information__
|1.0|2024-03-07|First release
|1.0.1|2024-03-07| Author's nitpicks 

[{InsertPage page='User-JGG-Link'}]