__''This article is for AltairYoshi's port. For other versions see [N64 Toad's Turnpike]''__\\
||N64 Toad's Turnpike||
||Download|[Google Drive|https://drive.google.com/open?id=10AlwwACGggEEvalBJgzUpG5I6tDT2IY_]

This is a remake by AltairYoshi, based on the Mario Kart 8 version. The layout and visuals are inspired by the Mario Kart 8 version, while the sky is at sunset, similar to the N64 original. This course replaces Shroom Ridge.

[{Image src='https://i.imgur.com/9m8I1pn.png'}]

!!!Custom Tracks Distributions
This track is part of the following Custom Track Distributions and ROMHacks:
*[CTGP Nitro]
This Custom Track can only be featured on distributions if the track's author gives permission to do so, or if the author submits it to said distribution.

!!!Version History
|__Version__|__Date of release__|__Information__
|???|2020-??-??|Public release