NCER (NITRO-System Cell for Runtime) files store OBJ cell data for the 2D engine. It follows the [NNS G2D Binary File Format|G2D Binary File Format]. NCER files use file signature {{'NCER'}}.

!!CEBK Block

The {{CEBK}} (Cell Bank) block defines the set of cells in this file. The structure is as follows:

| 0x00   | u16 | Number of cells
| 0x02   | u16 | Bank attributes. If the cell bank stores bounding rectangle info for each cell, this will be 1. Otherwise, this will be 0.
| 0x04   | void *| Pointer to cell data. This is relative to the start of this structure and fixed up at load time.
| 0x08   | u32 | Mapping mode. This can be 1D 32K (0), 1D 64K (1), 1D 128K (2), or 1D 256K (3), or 2D (4).
| 0x0C   | void *| VRAM transfer data pointer relative to the start of this structure. and fixed up at load time. If VRAM transfer characters are not used, this will be {{NULL}}.
| 0x10   | void *| Pointer to string bank (fixed up at load time). This can be {{NULL}}.
| 0x14   | void *| Pointer to extra cell data (fixed up at load time). This can be {{NULL}}.

The cell data in the cell bank is structured as:

| 0x00   | u16 | Number of OAM attributes in this cell.
| 0x02   | u16 | Cell attributes. 
| 0x04   | void *| Pointer to OAM attribute data relative to the start of the OAM data. The OAM data starts immediately after the cell array.
| 0x08   | s16 | *Max X
| 0x0A   | s16 | *Max Y
| 0x0C   | s16 | *Min X
| 0x0E   | s16 | *Min Y

Here * denotes fields only present when bounding rectangle is specified in the {{CEBK}} structure. This alters the size of the cell data, and needs to be taken into account when calculating the offset to OAM data.

Some cell files use VRAM transfer characters for animation. This involves transferring graphics to VRAM on the fly. This allows all graphics not to be loaded into VRAM at a time. For these kinds of animation, the VRAM transfer data pointer will be non-NULL. The structure of the data this points to is:

| 0x00   | u32 | Maximum VRAM transfer size
| 0x04   | void *| Pointer to VRAM transfer entries relative to the start of the {{CEBK}} block. There will be one entry for each cell in the bank.

Each VRAM transfer entry takes this structure:

| 0x00   | u32 | Transfer source address
| 0x04   | u32 | Transfer Size