||Snowy Thrill Trail||
||Download (Xdelta, US)|[Google Drive|https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DGY7cvMbBVtR7tfuyyQktQCvoRq_dVJG]

This is a custom track created by AltairYoshi. It takes place in a large snowy mountain, with villages and ice caves. It was first made back in December 2019, and was later updated in 2021 for its inclusion in [CTGP Nitro].

[{Video url='https://youtu.be/sgFOSnxL1UI?t=25' width=560 height=315}]\\
v1.1 Time Trial (0:25)

!!!Custom Tracks Distributions
This track is part of the following Custom Track Distributions and ROMHacks:
*[CTGP Nitro]
This Custom Track can only be featured on distributions if the track's author gives permission to do so, or if the author submits it to said distribution.

!!!Version History
|__Version__|__Date of release__|__Information__
|1.0|2019-12-30|Initial creation
|1.1|2021-05-01|Public release, minor bug fixes


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