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This page (revision-5) was last changed on 22-Jan-2025 21:39 by Garhoogin

This page was created on 20-Oct-2024 23:17 by Garhoogin

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Difference between version and

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JNCM Files (jnlib character map) store character mapping information for fonts. These provide the mapping information required to map character code points to glyphs in a [BNFR File Format File|BNFR File Format].
BNCMP Files (jnlib character map) store character mapping information for fonts. These provide the mapping information required to map character code points to glyphs in a [BNFR File|BNFR File Format].
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!! Version 1.2
!! Version 1.1
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Version 1.2 is the version of the file format that is used in the DS firmware program. The header takes on the following structure:
Version 1.1 predates version 1.2. Its header takes on the following structure:
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| 0x04 | u16 | Version ({{{0x0102}}} for 1.2)
| 0x04 | u16 | Version ({{{0x0101}}} for 1.1)
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Following the file header is the character mapping info:
Following the header is a direct mapping block. This consists of a sorted (ascending) array of code points as {{{u16}}}. A code point at index ''n'' will be mapped to a glyph index ''n'' in its accompanying BNFR. The length of this array is the number of code points specified in the header.
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!! Version 1.2
Version 1.2 is the version of the file format that is used in the DS firmware program. Its header is identical in structure to that of version 1.1, but with the version field of the header updated to 1.2 ({{{0x0102}}}). Following the file header is the character mapping info:
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The file format includes a mechanism for specifying individual code points. These are specified in the direct code point block.
The direct mapping block takes on the following structure:
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Code points are mapped to glyph indices sequentially starting in the continuous mapping blocks, then the direct mapping block.
The direct mapping block here lists code points in ascending order. Code points are mapped to glyphs by first checking the continuous mapping blocks, then checking the direct mapping block. If there are 50 code points mapped in continuous mapping blocks, for example, then the direct mapping block lists code points assigned to glyph indices 50 and above.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
5 22-Jan-2025 21:39 2.106 kB Garhoogin to previous Add notes for version 1.1
4 22-Jan-2025 20:41 1.481 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last BCMP File Format ==> BNCMP File Format
3 22-Jan-2025 20:08 1.481 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last JNCM ==> BCMP File Format
2 22-Jan-2025 20:07 1.481 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last JNFR ==> BNFR File Format
1 20-Oct-2024 23:17 1.457 kB Garhoogin to last Add JNCM documentation
« This page (revision-5) was last changed on 22-Jan-2025 21:39 by Garhoogin