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This page (revision-10) was last changed on 22-Jan-2025 20:42 by Garhoogin

This page was created on 01-May-2024 22:36 by Garhoogin

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At line 3 added 7 lines
!!!Files in the Release ROM
This section lists the file formats that can be found in the release ROM of Mario Kart DS.
!!Mario Kart DS Specific Files
* [KCL File Format|KCL]
* [NKM File Format|NKM]
At line 4 changed 5 lines
* [NCLR Files|NCLR]
* [NCGR Files|NCGR]
* [NCER Files|NCER]
* [NANR Files|NANR]
* [NSCR Files|NSCR]
* [NCLR File Format|NCLR]
* [NCGR File Format|NCGR]
* [NCER File Format|NCER]
* [NANR File Format|NANR]
* [NMCR File Format|NMCR]
* [NMAR File Format|NMAR]
* [NSCR File Format|NSCR]
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* [NSBMD File Format|NSBMD]
* [NSBTX File Format|NSBTX]
* [NSBCA File Format|NSBCA]
* [NSBTA File Format|NSBTA]
* [NSBTP File Format|NSBTP]
* [NSBMA File Format|NSBMA]
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* [NARC Files|NARC]
* [NARC File Format|NARC]
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* [BMG Files|BMG]
* [BNBL Files|BNBL]
* [BNCL Files|BNCL]
* [BNLL Files|BNLL]
* [SPA Files|SPA]
* [BMG File Format|BMG]
* [BNBL File Format|BNBL]
* [BNCD File Format|BNCD]
* [BNCL File Format|BNCL]
* [BNCMP File Format|BNCMP File Format]
* [BNFR File Format|BNFR File Format]
* [BNLL File Format|BNLL]
* [SPA File Format|SPA]
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!!!Intermediate Formats
This section lists files that would have been used in the process of development, but not present in the release ROM.
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* [IMD Files|IMD]
* [ICA Files|ICA]
* [IMA Files|IMA]
* [ITA Files|ITA]
* [ITP Files|ITP]
* [IMD File Format|IMD]
* [ICA File Format|ICA]
* [IMA File Format|IMA]
* [ITA File Format|ITA]
* [ITP File Format|ITP]
* [NNS TGA File Format|NNS TGA]
At line 37 changed 4 lines
* [NCL Files|NCL]
* [NCG Files|NCG]
* [NCE Files|NCE]
* [NSC Files|NSC]
* [NCL File Format|NCL]
* [NCG File Format|NCG]
* [NCE File Format|NCE]
* [NSC File Format|NSC]
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
10 22-Jan-2025 20:42 1.519 kB Garhoogin to previous Fix error (BCMP -> BNCMP)
9 22-Jan-2025 20:41 1.536 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last BCMP File Format ==> BNCMP File Format
8 22-Jan-2025 20:09 1.517 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last Update names for BNFR and BCMP files
7 22-Jan-2025 20:08 1.541 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last JNCM ==> BCMP File Format
6 22-Jan-2025 20:07 1.517 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last JNFR ==> BNFR File Format
5 19-Dec-2024 21:02 1.493 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last Added references for NMCR and NMAR
4 20-Oct-2024 01:52 1.439 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last
3 05-Jun-2024 10:30 1.184 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last
2 02-May-2024 10:55 0.843 kB Garhoogin to previous | to last
1 01-May-2024 22:36 0.559 kB Garhoogin to last
« This page (revision-10) was last changed on 22-Jan-2025 20:42 by Garhoogin